Why Women’s Wrestling, Why Now: White paper on the current state of wrestling and the benefits of developing women’s wrestling programs
The history of women in sport is closely aligned with changes in cultural beliefs about gender and femininity. During the first half of the twentieth century girls and women were generally excluded from sport participation or guided into individual “grace and beauty” sports performed as individuals with scoring based on gendered ideas about artistic merit. Direct competition against opponents was discouraged, but gradually occurred as women participated in sports where competitors were separated by nets, lane dividers, and other barriers that precluded physical contact. As a result, the sport participation of girls and women was generally limited to figure skating, gymnastics, diving, golf, tennis, volleyball, badminton, swimming, and certain track events in which competitors stayed in their own lanes.
Ethical Dilemmas for Coaches in Youth Sports
Jay Coakley, Ph.D., has put together a series of real-world ethical dilemmas that coaches and parents face every day in the world of youth sport. He is providing these scenarios for coaches, parents, and teachers to use as non-commercial learning tools. These scenarios are licensed under Creative Commons and forward the mission of CCSS to make sport more democratic, accessible and humane. The scenarios were inspired by the research of Thompson and Dieffenbach: Thompson, Melissa & Kristen Dieffenbach (2016) Measuring professional ethics in coaching: Development of the PISC-Q. Ethics & Behavior 26(6): 507-523.”