
List of upcoming and past events and opportunities to be announced.


Climb to Glory

Climb to Glory: eSports Tournament and Summit

Climb to Glory will feature an exciting eSports tournament played between different collegiate eSports teams. Running parallel with the tournament is an academic summit addressing pressing issues in the development of eSports as a college activity.

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Shortfall: Family Secrets, Financial Collapse, and a Hidden History of American Banking Alice Echols

In 1932 Colorado Springs was rocked by a financial scandal that shook the town to its core.

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Pigskin, Patriarchy, and Patriotism: Athletic Protest in a Time of Nationalism Jeff Montez de Oca & Jeff Scholes

During the 2016 NFL preseason, Colin Kaepernick sat through the national anthem to protest police violence and racial inequality.

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Cross-National Comparison of Physical Education in the United States and China RAN Linghua

Ran Linghua, a visiting scholar from China, will discuss her engagement in a cross-national study of elementary school physical education classes.

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cheryl cooky

Chery Cooky: Gender and Ethical Challenges in Sport Media

The Center for Critical Sport Studies presents: Cheryl Cooky, Purdue Univ and past-president of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, will give a talk titled "Gender and Ethical Challenges in Sport Media".

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John hobberman poster

John Hoberman: The End of Sport? Why the Doping Epidemic Must Be Brought Under Control

The concept of “doping” dates from the 1920s and has evolved with the development of new drugs and technologies. Definitions of doping employ basic dichotomies: “natural” versus “artificial,” “nutrient” versus “stimulant,” and “therapy” versus “enhancement.”

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Kid Football

Jay Coakley: Ethical Dilemmas in Youth Sports

Youth sports are an ethics incubator for young people observing the actions of coaches and parents.

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David J. Leonard

David J. Leonard: The Ethics of Protest in Sport

Climb to Glory will feature an exciting eSports tournament played between different collegiate eSports teams. Running parallel with the tournament is an academic summit addressing pressing issues in the development of eSports as a college activity.

Event Details

Roger Pielke

Roger Pielke Jr. : The War Against Cheating and Corruption in the Cutthroat World of Elite Sport

In this talk, Pielke will preview key parts of his book focused on how sport stars break the rules in their search for a competitive edge.

Event Details

Benjamin Perasovic

Benjamin Perasovic: Football Supporters, Youth Subcultures and Politics Notes from the Field in Croatia

This presentation focuses on football supporters in Croatia. It begins with an explanation of recent changes in Croatian society and then provides an overview of changes in modern football (soccer).

Event Details